When creating a hand engraved monogram for a client, Nancy Sharon Collins prefers starting from scratch. More literally, scratching with a graphite pencil on tracing paper.

Want to know about Mrs. Collins’s monogram creation process and associated, completely custom costs? Click HERE to read all about it.

Did you know that most letter combinations we refer to as monograms are actually ciphers; both examples on this page are ciphers. Here are the definitions.

Monogram: A design made with interlocking initials in which the structure of each is dependent on the main piece of each of the other letters. If the individual letters in a monogram were separated, they would not be read as the letters they represent when intertwined.

Cipher and Cypher: An arrangement of initials. Unlike a true monogram, the individual letters do not have to connect or even touch. Many so-called monograms today are actually ciphers.