Nancy Sharon Collins is renowned for bespoke, completely custom-made, hand engraved, personal stationery.

Whether you are looking for a real, hand engraved, half-inch thick steel die for your stationery needs (shown in the detail at right) or the more popular, etched copper plate engraving, this is the source.

To commission your own engraved monogram and cipher, and for current pricing, look HERE.

To commission your own engraved stationery, contact Mrs. Collins directly, HERE.

Collins often counsels clients to understand that engraved stationery is considered a slow industry. Think of what is done here as slow stationery. Similar to the slow food industry. What is done in the process involves hours of hand labor. Little is automated. Slight variances in print quality and eccentricities, in general, are to be expected. Patience in this process is a virtue.

For more examples, look HERE.